A Day In Our Nature Classroom

Here's an idea of our daily routine.  Starting and ending times for these are dynamic and will change based on the needs of the children attending.  Example: Some days the focused skill may take place after lunch instead of before. We follow their lead!

10a:  Enter and wait for friends to arrive.

1010a:  We open our day by gathering at Base for show and tell. We welcome any stories or nature treasures they want to share.

1020a:  Jeffrey and Katie share what they will be working on that day, and welcome anyone to join us if they desire. (This can include woodworking, crafts, fire starting, gardening, animal care, foraging, wildcrafting, etc.)

1030a:  Focused skill learning with Katie and/or Jeffrey, child-led projects, and/or free exploration in the woodland.

1130a:  Lunch

1145p:  Focused skill learning with Katie and/or Jeffrey, child-led projects, and/or free exploration in the woodland.

1250p:  Communal snack prep. (Snack is cooked over the fire pit unless the temperatures are over 85°).

115pGather and socialize while we eat that day's snack.

140p: "Sit Spot" and journaling. (A "sit spot" is a special location that the child has selected that will be relaxing, inspiring, and somewhere they will go each week to journal).

155p:  Clean up, then gather and share "Story of the Day". (A story, fact, or observation about their day they can share with everyone).

2pParent pickup

Learning how the livestock at Wild Oak help the homestead.

Seeing what grows at Wild Oak in different seasons.

Foraging for edibles based on the season.

Using our foraged plants as natural remedies.

Spotting and identifying wild animals.

Vegetable gardening.

Herb gardening.

Harvesting and eating fresh from the garden.

Seed saving.

Seeing how the ecosystem works in a natural way.

Observance of weekly changes.

Tree climbing.

Free exploration amongst peers of different ages.

Risky Play!

Getting dirty.

Teamwork and collaborative play.

Fort construction.

Mindfulness in nature.

Using nature for meditation.

Mixed-age cooperative play.

Nature journaling.

Storytelling and nature-themed literature.

Learning the necessity of fire safety in our uniquely dry climate.

Snake identification.

Flower picking.

Bird spotting and identification.

Designing then using tools to build things themselves.

Creating art wherever the mood stikes.

Using foraged plants for "potions".

Foraging wild herbs for tea.

Creating a store!

Fun with the campfires.

Making swings.

Dam building.

Sensory experiences.


Building birdhouses and feeders.

Making a daily snack as a group.

Discovering new Sit Spots.

Bug hunting.

Gathering firewood.

Learning to stop and smell the flowers!

Socializing around the campfire.

Relaxing in our beautiful California Foothill climate.

Freedom to just BE!